Accelerator Customers Process API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

map-system-customer-create-requestCreate Customer Mapping for a System
map-system-customer-update-requestUpdate Customer Mapping for System
map-system-individual-create-requestCreate Contact Mapping for System
map-system-individual-update-requestUpdate Contact Mapping for System
map-system-organization-create-requestCreate Organization Mapping for a System
map-system-organization-update-requestUpdate Organization Mapping for a System
map-system-household-create-requestCreate Household Mapping for System
map-system-household-update-requestUpdate Household Mapping for System


Create Customer Mapping for a System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-customer-create-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps customer profiles from SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to create a Customer in System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalCustomerId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the customer.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Customer in System
partyRoleTypepartyRoleTypeThe type of party role - usually Customer
partypartyThe Party
loyaltyProgramMemberloyaltyProgramMemberLoyalty Program Member details
loyaltyMemberTierloyaltyMemberTierLoyalty Member Tier details
communicationSubscriptionConsentcommunicationSubscriptionConsentCommunication Consent
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Customer Id of Customer as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
customerNumbercustomerNumberThe Customer Number to be stored in System
customerStatuscustomerStatusThe Status of Customer to be stored in System

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Update Customer Mapping for System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-customer-update-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps customer profiles from SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to update a Customer in System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalCustomerId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the customer.

ididThe id of the Customer in System
partyRoleTypepartyRoleTypeThe type of party role - usually Customer
party.idnullThe id of the Party
party.partyTypePartyThe type of Party
party.personNamefirstName lastNameThe full name of the Party
party.firstNamefirstNameThe first name of the Party
party.lastNamelastNameThe last name of the Party
party.externalIdsexternalIdsThe GlobalPartyId of Customer as in MDM.This will not be stored in System
loyaltyProgramMemberloyaltyProgramMemberLoyalty Program Member details
loyaltyMemberTierloyaltyMemberTierLoyalty Member Tier details
communicationSubscriptionConsentcommunicationSubscriptionConsentCommunication Consent
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Customer Id of Customer as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
customerNumbercustomerNumberThe Customer Number to be stored in System
customerStatuscustomerStatusThe Status of Customer to be updated in System

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Create Contact Mapping for System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-individual-create-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Individual profiles from SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to create an Individual in System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalPartyId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the Contact.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Contact in System
partyTypepartyTypeThe Party type for the Contact - Set as Individual
contactPointscontactPointsThe ContactPoints associated with the Individual
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Customer Id of Customer as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
personNamepersonNameThe Name of the Contact to be stored in System
firstNamefirstNameThe First Name of the Individual to be stored in System
lastNamelastNameThe Last Name of the Individual to be stored in System

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Update Contact Mapping for System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-individual-update-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Individual profiles of SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to update a Contact in System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalPartyId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the Contact.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Contact in System
partyTypepartyTypeThe Party type for the Contact - Set as Individual
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Party Id as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
personNamepersonNameThe Name of the Contact to be stored in System
firstNamefirstNameThe First Name of the Contact to be stored in System
lastNamelastNameThe Last Name of the Contact to be stored in System

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Create Organization Mapping for a System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-organization-create-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Organization profiles of SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to update a Organization in a System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalPartyId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the Organization.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Organization in System
partyTypepartyTypeThe Party type for the Contact - Set as Organization
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Organization as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
nameNameThe Name of the Organization to be stored in System

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Update Organization Mapping for a System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-organization-update-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Organization profiles of SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to update a Organization in a System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalPartyId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the Organization.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Organization in System
partyTypepartyTypeThe Party type for the Contact - Set as Organization
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Organization as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
nameNameThe Name of the Organization to be stored in System

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Create Household Mapping for System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-household-create-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Household profiles from SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to create an Household in System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalPartyId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the Contact.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Contact in System
partyTypepartyTypeThe Party type for the Contact - Set as Household
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Household Id as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
namenameThe Name of the Household to be stored in System

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Update Household Mapping for System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-system-household-update-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Household profiles from SourceSystem to MDM in CIM format which is further used to update an Household in System. The object structure is same with only exception of GlobalPartyId being sent as an ExternalId with ExternalIdType as MDM. This Id will be stored in System to uniquely identify the Contact.

ididThe id will be null for creating a new Contact in System
partyTypepartyTypeThe Party type for the Contact - Set as Household
externalIdsexternalIdsThe Global Customer Id of Customer as in MDM that will need to be stored in System
namenameThe Name of the Household to be stored in System

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 27, 2025
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